Stories that stay with you

There are stories that stay with you, words that resonate. They leave impressions, an imprint of their weight, well after the work of reading is done.

Here are just a few from my list:


Mateship with Birds by Carrie Tiffany

The Minnow by Diana Sweeney

Mr Pip by Lloyd Jones

Past the Shallows by Favel Parrett

Out Stealing Horses by Per Petterson

1933 Was a Bad Year by John Fante

Of a Boy by Sonya Hartnett

The Spare Room by Helen Garner

The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht

Short Stories

‘Singing my Sister Down’ by Margo Lanagan

‘Incarnations of Burned Children’ by David Foster Wallace

‘Pressure Okay’ by Jennifer Down

Foreign Soil short story collection by Maxine Beneba Clarke


Stories that stay with you